Post by Toni Morillas CerezoHi. I've got a Clie too, and I tried sync'ing with evo
once, but didn't like it since I had to chmod the device file
to a+rw in order to get gnome-pilot to access it.
the absolutely wired thing to me is, that my installation lost the
device-files for the clie (/dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, /dev/pilot). But I
still can sync with j-pilot, pointing at /dev/ttyUSB0 in prefs.
I dunno how this happened and I am not so firm on linux to get these files
If you still can sync, sure the device file is being
recreated automatically by some means, be it devfs or udev
internal services/daemons of Linux. This is a not so trivial
issue, and I'm still looking at it. The devfs subsystem passed
from experimental to obsolete with udev very quick, and udev
itself is not very polished yet. My personal systems are a
weird mix of devfs and udev very few people dare to look at
without running away in terror, but this time is a
gnome-related issue I think, leaving appart the whole "my
<whatever> stopped suncyng" thing.
You can create any device file you would want, and even
make the automatic system save your changes for the next time.
The point is having the driver/module to actually use it, and
it is usually a task of one of these services to do the dirty
work. There are, however, distros that do it in frustrating,
alternate ways, even the old fashioned physical /dev. Just
consult with your distro's documentation if you're interested.
The good thing with Linux is that it doesn't bite, it's
usually the other way around >:) Penguins haven't got teeth
after all :D:D:D
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